Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Ego mind is an illlusion within an illusion and there is no end to the computations,

The Ego mind is an illusion within an illusion and there is no end to the computations, permutations and imaginings in an infinite dream of universes upon universes...It is the imaging combined with desire that creates vasanas infinitely. Even a chimp or ape can be trained to watch televison and even work a remote to its favourite channel..............BUT IS DOES NOT NEED TO....That is the problem with the human simian projected imagination beyond need into only desires and vasanas............all just imaginings in a dream in other words an exercise in futility.................. There is no end to the insanity of the ego...this planet will eventually be depopulated and human entities will start again. The same entities well take different forms in other similar planets in the universes.. There are infinite egg shaped universes to live in And that doesn't include the subtle dimensions of the endless infinite dream...........ONE CAN ONLY STOP.


Tony O'Clery said...


Tony O'Clery said...

Ego=Fear and insecurity...As the ego is an illusion within an illlusion it constantly seeks 'evidence' of its existence in mirrors, material linear projections and communications...The modern obsession with texting and smart phones, ipads etc is part of the psychological attempt to re-assure and prove existence in non existence....Also the need for total communication and texting etc is an obsession due to the insecurity and fear of the ego..It is the nature of the ego mind to go out and reach and grasp things and as it is a dream that is infinite....INSANITY AND EGO IS THE ORIGINAL INSANITY....THE EGO ALWAYS TRIES TO REACT TO ITS FEAR AND PROVE ITS EXISTENCE.

Tony O'Clery said...

Human simians love to worship the 'ALPHA APE' in the sky and its minions...They do not want to destroy the ego but erect massive egos to worship and follow as that convinces their ego that the ego exists and must exist as this leader and that guru have one and are powerful........but even the power is relative......It is joining in vicarious attainment of massive egos to prove their own....All exercised in futility...