Tuesday, March 19, 2013

James the brother of Jesus was a vegetarian

James the brother of Jesus was a vegetarian wore only linen clothing and bathed daily in cold water at dawn, and was a life long Nazerite....or renunciant....So this is Jesus as well.....in fact the rebellion against Rome was caused in part by the death of James .. Jesus, Mary and Joseph came out of the Essenes.............. The claims that the holy pope is the descendent of Jesus in power is absolutely ridiculous he is nearer the real founder emperor constantine............Listening to all these priests and pope quoting Jesus etc is just politics........ Christianity is not Christian or Essenic at all............There are some left over links though as the Carmelite order still have the holy place as Mt Carmel...as that was the temple Jesus went to...The temple in Jerusalem was considered unclean by the Essenes due to money changing and animal sacrifice.......


Tony O'Clery said...

Jesus of Nazereth should read Jesus the Nazerite...a deliberate mis translation methinks......suits the fat cats..who do not want to be nazerites...

Tony O'Clery said...

There is no name church in the bible or nt....This idea that Jesus made Peter the first Pope is spurious bullshit.............Ecclasia is the greek and just means call out or a gathering ...but Jesus spoke only Aramaic and perhaps Egyptian..He may have called
Simon, Cepahs or a stone....only Matthew mentions this not Luke, Mark, or John so it is likely a later interlopation to justify popes............Jesus never founded a Church he came out of the Essenes of Mt Carmel so was in an organisation already. Which was continued by James his natural brother and Mary Magdalene...Peter and Paul diverted and Constantine who is the real founder of modern Christianity in 300ce took over .