Saturday, March 16, 2013

This is the answer to the question of why humans are so different from the apes

NOTHING EVER HAPPENED AJATIVADA...But if you consider the illusion .....everything is prakriti, prana and karma...Kaos is a good way of describing it...this results in a balance between particles/waves due to attraction and repulsion...etc..So a natural evolution occurs up to the animal world, including early hominids, before the descent of the Astrals into bodies and so confusing and creating a unnatural evoluton and Ego...It is the mind of the astral that has caused the adharmic distortion, greed, politics, religions, etc etc.............We have to reverse the process and go beyond the Astral and attain Moksha.............. This is the answer to the question of why humans are so different from the apes..The 2% genetic doesn't account to the tendencies and mind of the 'Astrals'...............................In the Hindu and Bible texts they talk of descents especially in the Book of Enoch, which was the most popular early christian book....In the Puranas it is mentioned of two descents of spiritually inclined astrals the Red and Blue Kumaras who tried to correct the situation.. I think what they achieved is souls that know about and work for Moksha....

1 comment:

Tony O'Clery said...

The ego is just the animal defensive reaction response enhanced by the tendencies vasanas of the mind, (astral) ......and then follows false identification and concentration.