Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sat-Cit-Ananda and NirGuna Brahman.

Sat-Cit-Ananda and NirGuna Brahman.

If one reads Ramana one will find references to Sat-Cit-Ananda as 'qualities' of the Self..Ramana very rarely goes beyond that except for a reference to Ajativada when talking of 'creation' theories. I think the reason for that is because most of his audience were bhaktas and hearing the beloved as such didn't exist is troubling...Nisargadatta Maharaj on the other hand, had a different audience so he took the teachings beyond consciousness to NirGuna...It is difficult to imagine NirGuna but it seems Saguna can be imagined as a blissful 'experience' of absolute bliss, consciousness and absolute existence....Maharaj says we must go beyond conscisousness. Taking these teachings logically takes one to the point were it is apparent that Saguna/Siva/Self/Sat-Cit-Ananda and NirGuna are realised simultaneously...only for a period of time whilst the life prarabda winds down to death is there any illusion apparent...For when the body drops of the Mukta all Saguna and Self disappear...

There is some indication of this in the false unity of 'deep sleep' and samadhis, but it is real in Nirvikalpa Samadhi...For where has Saguna/Self never ever happened....That is the absolute truth.......Ajativada completely.....Tony.

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