Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Am I rigid to talk of a living Guru...?

Namaste...Am I rigid to talk of a living Guru...?

> Thank you Tony-ji for your message. Grace is needed indeed for
> Self-Realization.
> You say that a human Guru is essential for Self-Realization. Possibly that
> is true. I believe the Shakracharya of Kanchi (I read it on this list) said
> that if the devotee is sincere, the Lord Himself enters the body of even an
> unenlightened guru and grants Grace.
> So we should not be so rigid in our thinking. After all, it is only the mind
> that thinks one way or another. It is that very same mind which has to be
> surrendered to the Lord, the Self, that sits in our Heart.
> Bhagavan Ramana used to say that the Guru is not the body.
> In any case, there is no harm in keeping an open mind. Bhagavan's Grace
> falls on all without distinction.
> Namaste and love to all
> H
Namaste H-ji, You think that I am rigid?

You will note that my post was almost all directly lifted from the words of Sri Lakshamana Swami....with some possible inference of the Mundaka....I am not a Mukti to state such a thing...However it is my understanding that if the vasanas are destroyed by Jnana or Bhakti then the 'Grace' can shine through as it is there all the time...So then it would be the inner guru that enlightens...However if one is not so advanced as Ramana but on the verge of realisation as was Mathru Sri Sarada then the intervention of a physical guru was apparently necessary..Also a living Guru can dispense Saktipat and Diksha to devotees, and only living Guru can be the medium for that..Ramana did this intervention with his mother and with several animals...a deer, Lakshmi the Cow etc. Sri Lakshmana Swami also did it with Sarada and with animals as well....even a rat...
Without insulting anybody a Mukta doesn't exist after death only the Self...So Ramana isn't around anymore but as a name for the Inner Guru or Self..This then posits the question whether one is advanced enough in the removal of vasanas to get one's own Grace so to speak or whether the intervention of a Guru with Saktipat and Diksha would be beneficial.. In my case I'm afraid I would need the living guru...at this point in my sadhana...Cheers Tony.

As you know on an ashram I was visited by a subtle yogi or siddha some years ago...and given some Diksha...which helped me progress from the position that I was in...Also when I was visiting my late father in Wales, where he had retired, I went up on a mountain and did a meditation....on awakening I had two words in my mind in Welsh..Clwyd Bach or similar....I don't speak Welsh so I had to ask my father who did and he said it meant 'a small gateway'..I didn't see the expression in that way for many years, then I came across the exact terminology spoken by a now living Guru.....Auspicious...hopefully...........Cheers Tony.

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