Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The preparation for the new dispensation age is underway as people are being born to replace many that are 'removed

The preparation for the new dispensation age is underway as people are being born to replace many that are 'removed;...The reason at least 75% will be removed or die is because they could not survive in a world full of humans with the spirituality of 12 cakras instead of 7, no meat eating, wars, religions, or other belian rakshasa activities, and a philosophy of AHIMSA OR NON HARM...This will continue for a long time until the opportunity is given to those who want to succeed spiritually....Before the materialists's karma allowes them to take rebirth from the lower pretalokas and then all the negative non spiritual things like meat eating, wars, greed etc will continue for up to 200K years to the end of this yuga or age until humans will be just a little taller than large chimps or monkeys and not evolved but degenerated.....before a Sathya Yuga begins again in this round or manvantara until the end of the human occupation of the planet.... and it is left to the true owners the animals....who are pure prana and not like the human simian possessed by an ego entity astral in rebellion to the DIVINE PRANA SIVA/SAKTI............This has started already and will be well finished before 2040-2050 CE...T. ONS..

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