Monday, September 30, 2019


The Belians of Atlantis and Mu, the Rakshasas and Asuras of Hinduism all are materialists totally...Belial or Baal represents the personification of materialism , evil, anti Christ or whatever name you give...They were stopped in Atlantis by its destruction, in India by Ram and Krishna but they always reincarnate and this age started about 1600...Under Elizabeth 1, of England's pirates and the BRITISH EAST INDIA COY WHICH WAS MASONIC. In fact every Royal Navy ship and every Army Unit carried with it Masonry to the colonies and conquests from India to Australia...They worship the architect of the universe which is an asuric demon named JAH tBUL ON...IN HEBREW OR I AM BAAL OF HELIPOLIS...AND THEY REVERE LILITH ADAMS'FIRST 1772...The received the first bail our of corporations when the UK Govt bailed out the East India coy and imposed restrictions and taxes they did not like....Son the allied themselves with the clients in America namely the masonic revolutionaries, rich masons and founding fathers and slavers in a coup against the Crown in which they were supported by British masonic business people.Only 40% of the American public could be talked or forced into a coup in 1776,,, THIS PARTNERSHIP OF THE BEI COY AND THE AMERICAN MASONIC FOUNDING FATHERS WAS THE FOUNDATION OF MODERN CAPITALISM, AS THE BEI HAD ALREADY INVENTED CAPITALISM- AND THE RISE OF THE MODERN CORPORATE STATE AND WAGE SLAVES.... THERE CAN BE NO SPIRITUAL SUCCESS ON THE PLANET UNTIL THESE DEMONIC RAKSHASAS ARE DESTROYED..AND THAT HAS STARTED WITH SIDDHA BACKED CHILDREN LIKE GRETA THUNBERG..AS A WARNING WHICH I EXPECT WILL BE IGNORED...T.

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