Sunday, June 16, 2019

My predictions for the future 2100 and beyond...

Well I make no claims to prophecy but let me make a prediction or two...from the prophets and seers..... 1. The planet will be geologically changed and depopulated by 2050 that has already started and is well underway( especially in 2030s and 2040s) ..with climate change rampant and deforestation etc. THE BELIANS WILL BE ELIMINATED 100% IT WILL BE MORE A SPIRITUAL AGE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE SEEKERS.. 2.The recovery will take a couple of generations but by 2100 will be more or less completed...With high technology and use of solar power in different ways , and it will continue as a spiritual opportunity age...but with only 20% of the previous population..also most countries will lose a lot of their land surface but new lands will arise in the atlantic and pacific,,The ice caps will have released a lot of water and the sea levels will have rose a considerable amount perhaps about 20-100 feet..or 7-30 metres...for a time anyway... 3. It will be as advanced as Atlantis and India used to be perhaps even more... 4. This will last 1000 years as the belians will not be allowed to incarnate and will be restricted to the pretalokas...for this time.. 5. This will be a dispensation by the Siddhas apprehending karma and eventually with the influx of belian rule again the earth will be reduced and the humans will be very small like an ape...There will be a great destruction at that time. Before a new age starts...This will be about 200k after the 1k dispensation...Tony.

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