Saturday, June 29, 2019

Continuing with origins of Vedism Essenism, Judaism...2

Clement Freud also suspected that Akhenaten was Moses...or Mosis meaning rightful monarchy ie. Kabbalists say that Moses ruled in Nubia for a while and so did Akhenaten after his expulsion from Egypt. Akhenaten /Mosis did not invent the idea OF ONE GOD it came from Atlantis with the refugees who built Egypt..The mystery religions of ON or helipolis preserved them and the Essenes had their base there. Unfortunately Akhenaten was defeated and the principle priests of Amon, Amen triumphed......T 1Tony O'Clery I will continue with some notes on how the Religion and sects of the Hebrews are descended from the FOLLOWERS OF THE LAW OF ONE VIA EGYPT.Also Hinduism and Essenism of which came Jesus. Thousands of years ago Caucasians from the caucasus moved into the middle east and Egypt and became part of the spiritual heirarchy in Egypt...PALESTINE WAS PART OF EGYPT...They no doubt brought their Vedism with them as the sky as described in the Rik Veda is about 8k bce..There was much connection later to the Pharoahs when Joseph came the grand vizier and his daughter married Amenhotep III, her name was Tiye and she gave birth to Akhenaten who was Mosis or Moses eventually...Tutankhamen previously Tutankhaten was their son....ATEN REPRESENTED THE ONE GOD USING THE SUN DISC IN HEBREW THAT IS ADON...JHVH MEANS I AM THAT...T

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