Thursday, May 10, 2018

UBC Real Estate course is a profiling scam...

UBC real estate course scam. I have watched this for years and years and it is a scam...;They fail people using any excuse from bell curves onwards just to make them give them more money and repeat.. I suspect they are actually profiling people in favour of young people and failing old people and single moms etc...typical capitalist trick... I have proof that a lot of the questions up to 30-40% are actually not in the course people fail and pay again.; As they do not study those questions...I have seen people get 90% ++ in mock exams based on the 1k questions in the course work and yet fail the actual exam... Many years ago i refused to take the exam again and again...and these days people can go to for sale by owner.....T

1 comment:

Tony O'Clery said...

Hate to be right...I got a UBC insider to check for me...and yes they choose questions from outside the coursework long as it is real estate...Room to profile....T