Monday, March 26, 2018

NIS said that every culture carries within it the root of its own destruction...

NIS said that every culture carries within it the root of its own destruction... Atlantis was more advanced than we are 12k year ago and its own technology destroyed it as ours will soon destroy us. I remember in about 1950 telling my mother that people would have phones where they could see the people they are talking to...We had no phone at the time. My father at the at about my same age asked me if there were great civilisations before, i was about 9yrs of age. I told yes and he said where are they? I said at the bottom of the sea destroyed by great explosions. My father had served as an officer in the Indian Army and was influenced by his time there/. I used to stare out the window and ask my mother did she ever think what it would be if there were no creation at all. Lastly believe me or not I remember being in Podeidia /Bimini area in Atlantis with a present daughter of mine at least..And was invited on to the expedition that discovered the Bimini Wall as the teams psychic said that I would remember... Forget technology turn within and change oneself.... I hear Noah whispering on the wind already..t

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