Sunday, March 27, 2016

The wars in Atlantis and India( Bharat) thousands of years ago,

HERE IT IS AGAIN; The wars in Atlantis and India( Bharat) thousands of years ago, and harking back to the conflict between the Adamics and Pre Adamics and those adamics that joined these materialists, are back here again with the conflict against the power elite and islam...(1400 year war already). IN ATLANTIS AND BHARAT...'THE FOLLOWERS OF THE LAW OF ONE 'ie followers of Muktas and Karana Janmas,,,like Jesus, Krishna, Ram, Amilius, and Nis and Ramana today... 'VERSUS THE SONS OF BELIAL...( Mohammed was a great follower of the sons of belial in a previous incarnation, his life proves it..) The sons of belial were materialists, indulged the senses and greed etc...and rejected the message of the Adamics to work toward spiritual progress.. the sons today are THE POWER ELITE AND ISLAM.In the past we could include NAZIS...AND OTHER TOTALITARIAN GROUPS... THIS MAY OR MAY NOT EXPAND INTO A MAJOR WWIII...AND ALONG WITH EARTHCHANGES will send many to the Astral where they will h ave to stay...T, What Easter really is; Amilius took a bodily form as Adam to lead a new improved model of human sapiens sapiens as opposed to just sapiens...This was to correct the problem of the SONS OF BELIAL diverting into materialism. Unfortunately Adam aka Jesus fell into temptation and felt a responsibility to suffer the karma in this plane rather than stay in the Brahmaloka ...He was a KARANA JANMA....He also executed the PRIESTS OF BAAL( BELIAL) WHEN HE WAS ELISHA....However he paid the price but ACHIEVED MUKTA HOOD....THAT IS EASTER...T

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A MAN OF FAITH IS A MAN OF NO CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY.TONY O'CLERY. One cannot blame every muslim for mohammed or isis etc...Just as one cannot blame every german for hitler and the nazis... The situation in the world is quite complex one should read 'The Prince' -Machiavelli, known as 'The Emir' in Arabic... IT ONLY TAKES LESS THAN 5% TO CONTROL AND MANIPULATE ANY POPULATION. COUNTRIES ARE ESSENTIALLY FRANCHISES OF THE POWER ELITE, IN THE PARK OF THE RAKSHASAS. THE POWER ELITE ARE FACELESS AND USE RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES AND SECRET SOCIETIES TO REIGN. The next descent of mass 'SONS OF MOST HIGH' will not happen as the ADAMICS FAILED. As in the Bible and Edgar Cayce the war will be on the subtle where adharmic ego entities will not be allowed to incarnate until DHARMA has been stabilised on the planet 1000 years is figurative. An Avatar will come known or unknown on to the planet as Adharma overwhelms dharma....In the meantime many leaders who are in dharma will reject the POWER ELITE AND TRY TO DEFEAT THEM....AS PER PEOPLE LIKE DONALD TRUMP, AND OTHERS, AS A KARMIC INSTRUMENT TO PREPARE THE WAY. THE PRE- ADAMICS RAKSHASA POWER ELITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRIUMPH PERMANENTLY. We are entering a period in this delusion of dream where the confrontation is imminent as in Atlantis, India in the Rama and Krishna wars etc etc. The power elite are the demonic, sons of belial, pre adamics and rakshasas of old...TONY. Tony O'Clery xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AOCLERY.YOLASITE.COM