Tuesday, December 15, 2009


From: Tony O'Clery <

Avatar just means 'cross-down', in Sanskrit. So we are
all avatars but in the usually accepted meaning of the
word we mean a 'fully conscious integrated awareness
descent'. I suppose Purna-Avatar or Full-Cross-Down is
a better word.

Talking about K; The staff of Hermes,(Toth), was the
Druid's wand and has been used since the time of Mu.(
The Druids even called themselves serpents.) These are
the so-called snakes that St. Patrick chased out of
Ireland, unfortunately. Well not completely they kind
of combined with the Christian Orders.

It is found carved in petroglyphs in various places.
The staff is the Sushumna and the snakes are the Ida
and Pingala nadis running from the Muladhara to the
left and right nostril respectively.( There are
believed to be 720 million nadis,or subtle nerve
channels in the body.) The Ida is called the Moon nadi
because of its cooling effect, the Pingala the Sun
nadi because of its heating effect.

Kundalini Sakti runs up a channel in the Sushumna
called the 'Chitrini nadi'. However 'Moksha', does not
come about with the rise of Kundalini to the Sahasrara
Chakra. It has to go down the Paranadi into the right
side of the chest to the 'Heart Centre', ( note Centre
not Chakra). I think the Caduceus is used by medicine
because people with an awakened Kundalini Sakti are
healthy. For She/Sakti cures illnesses and gives even
mentally ill people a new intellect.

So called 'bad effects', and dramatic sensations from
the rise of Kundalini, which most describe as the
actual K, are in fact not K-Sakti but the Prana
Kundalini clearing out the dross, even bringing out
illness. This is to prepare the way for the Kundalini
Sakti, so to speak. (My first experience was dramatic
but since has been more steady.

With regard to Leadbetter, it is my humble opinion
that he 'saw', the lower etheric form of Chakra as
opposed to the higher subtle.

In the end result K is risen and totally integrated
desireless integrated awareness. Admittedly for some
there is a certain enjoyment in the cleansing prana
activity, for others it may be painful. There is a
danger at this stage to mistake this as K-Sakti as
opposed to prana, and become attached to these
sensations. Enjoyment and even bliss are still
obstacles to overcome. Until one realises that one is
actually the 'God', with no attributes at all.

I feel if one can visualise the K then that is Prana.

In the final analysis both Kundalini and Sakti are but
temporary illusions on awareness.

All this can be found in the works of , Swami
Sathyananda Saraswati, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Swami
Sivananda, Hiroshi Motoyama , Purananda, Yoga Cudamani
Upanishad, Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, Yoga-Shikka


1 comment:

Tony O'Clery said...

Even with fully integrated awareness there will still be a trace of ego that has to be removed.