Wednesday, August 05, 2020


Sankara said it is real whilst one is in it...T. But how did the egos separate from the universal prana? As the Jiva is to the universal as the tree is to the forest.... The egos first thought separated itself and then came thought after thought...building up layers of ignorance....The egos were on the astral and in the universes long before planet earth emerged. They then devolved into animal and simian bodies forgetting where they came from with every new thought layer..Some of this was developed by other Astrals trying to rescue them from the planet.. SO THE PROCESS HAS TO BE REVERSED TO THE POINT WERE IT NEVER HAPPENED....SO THE PROCESS HAS TO BE REVERSED TO THE POINT WERE IT NEVER HAPPENED....THE PROCESS IS TO CLEAN AND PURIFY THE INTELLECT VIJNANAMAYAKOSA UNTIL THE THOUGHT IS 'I AM' WHICH THE SELF ITSELF WILL DESTROY,,,TONY

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