Saturday, December 28, 2019

diksha by siddha in ashram,SRI LAKSHMANA SWAMY BEFORE I CAME TO HIM.???

DIKSHA OR INITIATION BY A SIDDHA IN MY ROOM ON THE ASHRAM...T. ASTRAL= 3 UPPER HEAVEN PLANES -VERY FEW MAKE IT. PRETALOKAS= 4 LOWER FOR CONTEMPLATION OF ONE'S ERRORS AND TO LEARN...THE BOTTOM IS WHERE THE IDEA OF HELL CAME FROM...T IN THE BIBLE JACOB HAS A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE BUT HE ONLY RELATED 7 LEVELS SO WAS TALKING OF THE ASTRAL.NOT THE 7 MENTAL..AND HE RELATED A LOT OF FORM AND A ''GOD FIGURE'"...T. Tony O'Clery 25 July 2016 Subject: DIKSHA IN MY ROOM Here it is again; Back in the 1980s I was propped on the floor of my room in the ashram, with some books and looking at some pictures, when i felt a presence in my room. I looked up and saw an old yogi appeared in my room, he had little hair or none and was wearing a brown worn out robe. I wondered about the colour as Hindus were orange not brown like Buddhists....He looked at me and telepathically told me to touch him on his back shoulder and he pointed to it on the right side. As I touched him I went up through the planes starting at the lower astral which was full of misshapen beings of all kinds, and then up all the astral levels which were mostly form until we came to a level of only mental energy forms and finally total unconsciousness or NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI. I then came around and was back on my mattress on the floor......and even though I had been meditating for years, I realised this was some kind of consolidating DIKSHA BY A MUKTA.......siddha....... I had had OBE before but this was totally different, and loosened me up so to speak so I can still do it at will....Talk to people that have passed over and other things.............Tony.

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