Wednesday, July 10, 2019


GOD OF THE MASONS IS JA-BUL-ON. "I BELIAL OF HELIOPOLIS." Also revere jubalcain and Lilith the owl lady Adams first wife. All Rakshasas and Asuras ,T. JHVH DOES NOT SAY JEHOVAH IT SAY I AM SO THE FIRST JA IS I , BUL IS BEL BAAL BELIAL, AND ON IS ANOTHER WORD FOR HELIOPOLIS ..SEAT OF AMON WHO MOSIS RESISTED...t The masonic handshake where they press the thumb against the palm and say jabulcain means i belial cain...Cain was the son of Lilith not Eve ...T, Ascension of Isaiah In the Ascension of Isaiah, Belial is the angel of lawlessness and "the ruler of this world", and identified as Samael and Satan.[1] And Manasseh turned aside his heart to serve Belial; for the angel of lawlessness, who is the ruler of this world, is Belial, whose name is Matanbuchus. — (Ascension of Isaiah 2:4)[1] Christianity In the New Testament the word occurs once, when Paul the Apostle asks: "[W]hat concord hath Christ with Belial? BAAL

1 comment:

Tony O'Clery said...

jahbulon actualy