Thursday, January 04, 2018

Caye indicates that the first thought began the separation of the ego from the universal and it built up from there.

Caye indicates that the first thought began the separation of the ego from the universal and it built up from there. WITHIN ILLUSION. He also indicates the ego spent time in subtle material around planets etc...and sometimes goes back to them after being earth for whatever reasons to learn from the vibrations. Planets are just concentration of material from planes... So it seems to me that the ego arrives on earth with experience in other dimensions and close to material physical dimensions...So it is well addicted to the lower planes and materiality when it first arrived here on earth...and is full of ignorance to its condition... The descents and other more advanced egos come from higher planes---7 astral and 7 mental...but mostly astral...T It is more than likely that the astral sons of most high that developed the homo sapiens had previously been embodied in other hominids and mixtures...As it would take experienced desire to create the bodies we hovering over them and eccerated direction and growth.t

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