Monday, July 24, 2017

Souls descended on these apes - hovering above and about them rather than inhabiting them -

8. The sons of God unite with the daughters of men Angels and menA way to liberate the souls entangled in matter was created. A physical form became available as a vehicle for the soul on Earth. A way became available for souls to enter the Earth and experience it as part of their evolutionary/reincarnation cycle. Of the physical forms already existing on Earth, a species of anthropoid ape most nearly approached the necessary pattern. Souls descended on these apes - hovering above and about them rather than inhabiting them - and influenced them to move toward a different goal from the simple one they had been pursuing. They came down out of the trees, built fires, made tools, lived in communities, and began to communicate with each other. Eventually they lost their animal look, shed bodily hair, and took on refinements of manner and habit. The evolution of the human body occurred partly through the soul's influence on the endocrine glands until the ape-man was a three-dimensional objectification of the soul hovering above it. Then the soul fully descended into the body and Earth had a new inhabitant: the homo sapien. Homo sapiens appeared in five different places on Earth at the same time, as the five races. This evolved human is what the Bible refers to as "Adam". When souls incarnated into physical form, it would bring the divine consciousness (i.e., the spirit) in with it. Cayce referred to this divine consciousness as the "Christ Consciousness" or "Buddhahood" or the "superconsciousness". Christ consciousness has little to do with the personality known as Jesus. It means a person has attained a complete human-divine unity. This human-divine unity has been attained by many people thus far - one such person was Jesus. Cayce, LikeCommentShare

Saturday, July 22, 2017

This should make one think 123.

This should make one think...T "I am trying to tell you ---Give up all this trash, whatever you are studying in the name of religion , in the name of spirituality. Understand only one thing -That godly principle is there..that 'I amness', or consciousness-that is godliest of principles. It is there as long as the vital breath or life force is there." Nisargadatta .Maharaj. "Be still, and know that 'I am', (is) God" (Psalm 46:10), Before Abraham was 'I Am'-----Jesus.............. Q. Is it obligatory to live out one's natural life span? M. Natural -spontaneously -easy-yes. But disease and suffering are not natural. There is noble virtue in unshakable endurance of whatever comes but there is also dignity in the refusal of meaningless torture and humiliation.... One who will die with his ties of affection for the family he will not be able to understand the gist of this matter the secret of this knowledge.....There is no 'I' .Nisargadatta Maharaj. "People try to strengthen their ties with others by speaking to them respectfully and congratulating each other over small things. In this way, they feel that they are happy in life. They act as if this is a respectable bad habit."SM

Truth is silence between two thoughts

The truth is the silence between two thoughts....earthly joy comes between two griefs....humans like to remember the joys...that way they fool themselves with attachment.T

The secret of liberation is the birth principle

The Secret of Liberation...ia the Birth Principle..NIZ...This is all you need!!!! Only one in a crore, (10million),persons can find out what the birth principle is. And once you know it is everything, all knowledge belongs to you-even liberation is yours.......Nisargadatta .Maharaj.... The birth principle is Turyia.........Turiya is the 'I Am'..It is the witness is Saguna........Tony . Turiya is the 4th state above waking, dreaming, and deep sleep...above Turiya is Turyiatita or Nirguna...T

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

All this confrontation and problems with religions,

All this confrontation and problems with religions, ideologies and cults like islam are part of the general confusion before the clear the astral egos even on the astral have some precognition albeit it is used to enter a viable foetus.. They know what is coming in the very near future so this desire has turned to anxiety on a world scale..So the sons of belial are making a last stand but it is a futile as the Siddhas have already decided what karma is to be served....and a new reset and destruction of up to 90% of population...within most lifetimes of present population...T

Sunday, July 09, 2017

The need for the reset is again due to confusion.

The need for the reset is again due to confusion...Originally there were 5 races brown, white, black, red, yellow, all with emphasis on a sense, and one set of Adamic laws...Then there came the materialist groupings and anti Adamics. Now all 5 races are intermixed, and there are many formations of humans all with negative spiritual results, capitalism, materialism, authoritarianism, religions like islam., LGBTQ..etc. It is not possible to reform this kaleidescope of nonsense , which has brought anti Christ/ kutastha caitanya groups. So now in the near future there will be a clear out of 3/4 of the population at least, and a new Adamic age...with restrictions for many egos to the lower astral until the new age is solid..could be thousands of years.. Cayce, Bible, Puranas,etc...T

The astral entity enters the womb about 20 weeks + and is barely aware

The astral entity enters the womb about 20 weeks + and is barely aware except for a feeling of pleasure...Often it spend more time not fully in the foetus......Eventually it is born and screams BORN AGAIN and finds this it spends lots of time out of body or asleep...In the first couple of years approx there is no i am feeling....When the i am feeling does occur the child is influenced by its past tendencies and desires and it wantt to grow up as soon as possible..On puberty, when karma manifests, the child is shocked to find it is not the person it thought it was and this takes a lot of time to balance and come to terms with...... This is what the pychologists do not they don't know what the mind is...I did psychology at UQ and was not impressed....T

The present sexual confusion caused by the rise of LGBTQ groups to political influence has its roots in the time before Adam, the Adamics and Kumaras.

The present sexual confusion caused by the rise of LGBTQ groups to political influence has its roots in the time before Adam, the Adamics and Kumaras... According to Cayce.........There were all kind of animals and animals mixtures possessed by astral egos....There were all kind of hominids or pre humans also However the human of the time was a hermaphrodite that produced offspring like an amoeba, o naturally...There was great confusion on male and female role playing it was a sexually confused mess....and a hindrance to spiritual progress.. Hence the 'he made them male and female' based on an advanced hominid...Today all the hermaphrodites, those that played male and female roles are in human bodies so are the animal mixtures and all the other types.. However the laws of Adam are now not being followed and this will cause a re set....T

Saturday, July 01, 2017

The frankest reference comes in the Laws of Manu (in Sanskrit, the Manusmrti),

The frankest reference comes in the Laws of Manu (in Sanskrit, the Manusmrti), one of the dharmasastra texts that lists religious laws. There is a lone verse that reads: "A twice-born man who commits an unnatural offence with a male. So LBGTQ..was condemned by all as at least a diversion,an attachment to sexual pleasure and probably hark back to the sexual confusion of the hermaphrodites humans before they were made male and female..T

Christ is the universal spirit prana...In vedanta it is called kutashta Caitanya

Christ is the universal spirit prana...In vedanta it is called kutashta Caitanya...It is not Jesus second name..even though he became the Christ a Mukta...T The road of spirituality is not supposed to submit to just desires.attachments, amorality, and abandonment of Adamic law as it is inconventient to people's ego desires... Being a lovely person ie...a nice friendly person does not make on spiritual that is a gross error...T