Thursday, May 02, 2013

Semantics is the problem and a word a personality or being.....God essentially means good

Semantics is the problem and a word a personality or being.....God essentially means good...but it has been misappropriated by religions to be a being with attributes an alpha ape in the sky a giant boon granter and baby sitter who speaks through religions.............However Divine Goodness can refer to the prana very easily if not corrupted by religion/ God=Divine Goodness=- Life-Force Prana...................MA..... SO IN RELIGION GOD IS A MISMOMER AS IT REFERS TO A SUPERSTITION . GOD - The English word God is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for “good,” and therefore it is believed that the name God refers to the divine goodness. (See Oehler's Theol. of Old Test.; Strong's and Young's concordances.) (From New Unger's Bible Dictionary) (Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.) Further information on the source of our word for ‘God’ is listed below: Word origin: God - Our word god goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant “invoked one.” The word’s only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, “much invoked,” epithet of the rain-and-thunder god Indra. (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, page 351) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975) Now if the sources noted above are accurate, then the word that we use for the Supreme Being, God, comes from a very pagan origin. Thus the word god is used generically by many different religions to refer to their deity or “invoked one.” om

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