Thursday, January 10, 2019


Most successful spiritual men who were extraordinary rich handled it well...First of all they did not consider the money and wealth to be theirs ----they were just the custodians....Secondly they did not consider themselves to be the doer just an instrument to do good works with it...They also realised the danger of greed lurking in the background and they had to overcome this attachment. In the end they considered their wealth as karmic and an opportunity..They also had to base their wealth and actions without expecting reward---they have to give up the results of actions...This way they could dilute their ego...and not manifest as many rich an politicians do today...T. JESUS TOLD THE RICH MAN GIVE UP EVERYTHING AND FOLLOW ME---THE MAN COULD NOT...BUT WHAT JESUS MEANT WAS GIVE UP THE ATTACHMENT TO WEALTH AND FOLLOW ME...THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF HOW THE TRUMPS OF THE WORLD BEHAVE...IF YOU HAVE KIDS BEAR THIS IN MIND FOR TIME IS GETTING SHORTER...TONY.

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