Saturday, July 20, 2024

The name nama..

A GURU once said prayer cannot go to non personal God,and prayer goes elsewhere. On this planet unamed prayer goes to the God of this world..who Jesus said was BELIAL/BAAL/JAHBULON..EVEN WHEN I MEDITATE OR DO BHASTRIKA OR REQUEST SAMADHI I USE MY MUKTAS NAME AND SIVA. prayers are thoughts ..things SO why energise BELIAL/BAAL. SO DONT PRAY TO ALMIGHTY GOD THERE ISNT ONE. THERE IS BELIAL CREATOR OF THIS WORLD. UNIVERSALS ARE ASURAS. CHRISTIANS AND JEWS AND MUSLIM PRAYER GOES TO BELIAL_BAAL OR JAHBULON OF THE SECRET SOCIETY. AL LAH MEANS THE ONE IT IS NOT A NAME NEITHER IS ALMIGHTY GOD A NAME. DO NOT ENERGISE ASURAS...T Moses aka Akhenaten used ATEN the sun disc ADONAI AS VITAL FORCE AS THE PRIESTS WERE USING AMON / Amen AKA BAAL...T Prayer is an attempt to contact Vital Force through Akasa and sound.So the name or Sabda is important.Hence Japa and Akhand bhajan. The Name is a combination of sounds. So prayer to un named God is not carried to source...Energy can be intercepted as Belial and Asuras do as they cannot create only manipulate. SO THE PRAYER HAS BE TO SOMETHING DIRECTLY TO A MUKTA OR VITAL FORCE PRANA.T. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! — Psalm 8:1, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2160 The Catholic Church teaches that the Lord's name is holy and should be introduced into one's speech only to bless, praise or glorify that name.[38] The name should be used respectfully, with an awareness of the presence of God.[39] It must not be abused by careless speech, false oaths, or words of hatred, reproach or defiance toward God, or used in magic.[40] Since Jesus Christ is believed to be the Messiah, and "the image of the invisible God,"[41] this commandment is applied to the name of Jesus Christ as well. To make prayer effective use a name Hindus understand this so did Moses. 1.Christians should use mukta Jesus. 2.Muslims should use mukta Mansour al hallaj.or Jesus. 3.Jews should Jesus or Aten Adonai. Or Ain Soph. 4 Buddhists use Buddha. 5.Hindus of course have Siva Avatars Muktas...T.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


NIS SAID THAT IF PSYCHOLOGISTS ETC NEW WHAT THE MIND WAS THEY WOULD BETTER HELP PEOPLE. THE PSYCHOLOGIST ONLY WORKS WITH THE MANAS OR BODY MIND, NOT THE EGO MIND THAT IS SOMETHING ELSE ALTOGETHER. Nis said that when a person dies or drops the food body its tendencies and memories ---vasanas and samskaras leave in like a cloud unitil they incarnate in body. A foetus at around 20 weeks of course and the ego enters the foetus at 7 months....and that can switch even up to the birth.. A lot of humans like to incarnate in families tribes and nations.. However this has nothing to do with genetics as genetics are the body not the minds.. A human manas may incarnate into a foetus that has similar genetic tendencies, and it does incarnate into a species mind of course, and shares that with the rest of the group. This means that person can be incarnated into a family it had not had a connection with previously. Except the genetics or programming is similar...SO AN ENTITY CAN INCARNATE INTO FAMILIES AND IT MAY NOT.. UNDER ALL THIS IS THE AKASA WHICH THE MANAS IS ASSOCIATED WITH ,WITHOUT THE EGO WHICH IS AN ERRANT AKASIC MODIFICATION...THE EGO CONTROLS THROUGH THE VIJNANAMAYAKOSA OR INTELLECT TO EXPERIENCE ITS DESIRES AND CAN OVERULE THE LOWER MANAS BODY MIND,AT W ILL ACCORDING TO THE DESIRES.SO IT HAS TO BE PURIFED AND RE ABSORBED OR EXTINGUISHED SO AN ADOPTED CHILD WITH NO SIMILAR GENETIC PROGRAMME COULD IN FACT BE CLOSER THAT AN NATURAL CHILD..SO THE AKASA IS THE UNIVERSAL AND EVERYTHING PLAYING DIFFERENT ROLES. IE MANAS SPECIES MIND ETC....TONY, .

Monday, April 08, 2024


Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · PART 8. Even the Sadhaka of Vital Force is Bhakti really as they worship the Vital Force/Self..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · PART 7 Bhakti is where the devotee worships an Ishtadevata or Vital Force form until they merge or rather the Self sucks them in..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Part 6.Moksha with or without ego agreement The easiest is bhakti which makes the mind one with Ishtadevata. A recalcitrant ego requires a Guru T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Part 5..The ego enters the vijnanamayakosa at 7 months and pushes the intellect to suit itself. Many end up Belians..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Part4 minds. The ego enhances instincts in the manas for pleasure..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Part 3 minds. The ego has no manas so must possess one. The manas enters the foetus at 20 weeks, The ego at 7 months. The ego may change right up to the birth..Tony. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · PART2..minds. The ego is inherently rebellious as it is an errant modification of the Akasa with power to misuse. T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · PART 1.Following Nis, mental health workers are totally unaware that the mind aka ego is separate from the animal manas The ego pushes the manas,so it can experience.The Manas stores instinct vasanas samskaras and karmas. Mistaking one for the other results in failure,hence treatments with drugs. That invariably fail or have to be ongoing. To hinder the connection..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · But on paranirvanam he Jesus also left love or vital force saguna behind Even Nis teaches to the point of vital force as people cannot understand further...Tony. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · BELIAL HIMSELF whispers in the ears of people like the leaders of Russia, China and Israel and more,as he tempted Jesus in the desert..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Cruel leaders of certain violent countries have an ego possessing them like you except it is untrammelled.not controlled..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · All States are maintained by HIMSA..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · But on paranirvanam he Jesus also left love or vital force saguna behind Even Nis teaches to the point of vital force as people cannot understand further...Tony. Kalyani Devi · Krishna Das said this.... 'One day a Canadian man arrived for his first visit with Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji). He didn’t know much about Maharaj-ji but had … See more Tony O'Clery Author Admin THank you Susan T 1 d Reply Share Edited Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · When Jesus talked of the rich man and Moksha; It was comfort and contentment that was the Impediment not the riches per se..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The Devas take birth to be freed of their happiness. So even a comfortable life in a comfortable place you like,with people you are attached to,where you are not wanting and are content.Is an Impediment to overcome for realisation. As Jesus said it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heavem ..Moksha...T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · 1.ALL OF THESE WORDS THE TRUTH IS NIRGUNA. 2.Saguna Vital Force and the mind Akasa are unreal..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · ·

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Referred to as "cathedral" termites, the Nasutitermes triodiae build huge mounds up to eight metres high in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland – representing some of the tallest non-human animal structures in the world.22 Feb 2017 Termites in Australia can build a mound which in comparison to its size is 4x bigger than Bhurj Khalifa world's tallest..T. Speaks for itself Title: Termites - The Australian Museum GOOGLE.COM Title: Termites - The Australian Museum Found on Google from Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · If you think I am trying to disenchant the human condition .you are right..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Termites in Australia can build a mound which in comparison to its size is 4x bigger than Bhurj Khalifa world's tallest..T. Speaks for itself Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Most people would not like the strictness and discipline of the new age. As it is to develop and speed up sadhana as it is the last good chance before Belial returns..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The ego loves to experience hate anger fear violence and extremes.In fact all experiences of the human it possesses...T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · THERE IS NO GOD CREATING UNIVERSES ONLY EGOS DREAMING THEM...HIMSA...T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The Ape impulse to kill which humans also have is a manifestation of energy eating energy,of the ego created universes..HIMSA..T. They love horror movie ..t Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · PEOPLE LIKE NETANYAHU, NAZIS, COLONISERS WERE NOT FULL OF HATE BUT EGOIC INDIFFERENCE..T Hate is temporary emotion..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · Ramana Maharshi · From ~~~ Letters from Sri Ramanasramam, 158 M.: Like the pictures that appear on a screen, everything that appears is the creation of the mind.… See more Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The Sufis only rented a room in Islam as they were non dual and most unislamic..T. Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The only time Religion works is if it is incidental to bhakti, and worship of an Ishtadevata or God form that leads to Parabhakti Moksha..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · The meaning is you don't suffer and get out of the illusion.The Ego likes experience good or bad..worship the vital force I AM ..AND GET OUT..OF ILLUSION.T . Literature Humanistan · To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. Friedrich Nietzsche Susan Katyayani Lucey Top contributor 👍 1 w Reply Share Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · All Belian humans have done is sophisticise militarise weapons on the planet of the apes..and their warlike ape behaviour..T Tony O'Clery Admin Top contributor · · THIS HAS BEEN MY EXPERIENCE RE AKASA AND PERSONAL LEVEL...T Ramana Maharshi ·

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Ramana said if you search for the mind you won't find it as THE SELF WILL SUCK YOU INTO ITSELF

Ramana said if you search for the mind you won't find it as THE SELF WILL SUCK YOU INTO ITSELF. MOST OF MY SEARCH IS BYPASSED AS I GO DIRECT TO NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI KEVALA TEMPORARY SAHAJA PERMANENT. THIS TIME I SEARCHED FOR AKASA OR UNIVERSAL MIND, AND THIS WHAT HAPPENED AS SOON AS THOUGHT ABOUT IT..I FEEL THIS WAS A DIRECT INTERVENTION OF MY GURU, MATHRU SRI SARADA WHO IS THE SELF/MUKTA. AS WAS THE FIRST BY SRI LAKSHMANA SWAMY ON THE ASHRAM IN INDIA YEARS AGO. IN my night border plane travel meditation I feel my Guru or Self diverted me from akasa to Nirvikalpa Samadhi. That was what the darkness was prior to loss of consciousness and Samadhi Ie no point in me exploring delusion as Akasa when I could do nirvikalpa. What She is saying is that Saguna is shining within the Akasa but that is not Saguna or vital force..This is what happened to my mind when I searched for Akasa and fell into into total darkness until I went into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. SO IF YOU SEARCH FOR MIND YOU WONT FIND IT T. Even akasa. TONY .

Monday, February 26, 2024


How to do Nirvikalpa Samadhi, 1.Do some mantras for at least 15mins,to prepare the mind. 2. Do some Japa on a Mala. 3.Do some hatha yoga and yogic breathing holding breath to a mantra ending up in the Sarvana Asana or corpse pose. Totally relax ..say your name, x3 and relax from toe to head so completely relax. Lie for few minutes then start meditation completely relax.concentrate and observe breath where nose and lip meet..repeat kohum as you breath and lose consciousness THE time will extend as you practice don't worry if you fall asleep the meditation will continue THE SANSKRIT HAS AN AFFECT ON THE MIND ..OM NAMAH SIVAYA ...TONY.. NEVER USE THE NAME OF A NON MUKTA ON MANTRAS AS IT CARRIES NO SAKIPAT. THE NAME OF A DEAD MUKTA IS BETTER...t

Saturday, February 24, 2024


I learn more at night when I am dreaming. I could see that much of what we call dream is visiting the astral So I moved on to trying to understand how the modification of Akasa egos happened and Demonics like Belial. AT this point I started thinking where did Akasa come and how.As I thought this I fell into total darkness nothingness before losing all consciousness. As awoke into the dream I realised there is no Akasa.Nir Guna is truth and like the initiation on the Ashram I was coming out of Nirvikalpa Samadhi as I do daily.However when I lie down in the day there is .no subtle.This time I started in the subtle and destroyed the thoughts..No akasa which I already knew but to be aware of the process OF TO NOT KNOWING I WOKE UP LAUGHING..AS THERE WAS NO BLISS AS THAT IS AKASA T. In my night travel I feel my Guru or Self diverted me from akasa to Nirvikalpa Samadhi. That was what the darkness was prior to loss of consciousness and Samadhi Ie no point in me exploring delusion as Akasa when I could do nirvikalpa. What She s saying is that Saguna is shining within the Akasa but that is not Saguna or vital force..This is what happened to my mind when it searched for Akasa and was in total darkness until I went into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. SO IF YOU SEARCH FOR MIND YOU WONT FIND IT T9